Produced with Kanjo Agency, i had a blast working on this video as a director, cinematographer, and editor. I hope you enjoy it. Scroll down for more details on the making of this production.

KANJO Production

Ezzahr is a french dancer, singer and songwriter. To illustrate his cover of “Stole the show”by Kygo, Ezzahr gave us a blank canvas. The only criteria was to include the choreography, created by Raffaele Lucania.

We wanted something elegant, subtle and aesthetically pleasing for the eyes.

The first scene, showcase Ezzahr thoughtful, drinking, remembering a love story burned down too fast. We wanted a hushed atmosphere, with soft, warm colors, and a vintage feel.

For the dance scene, we chose to play only with lighting, to focus all the attention on the dance, to enhance every move with a golden light.

For the last scene, we played with a different set of lights, but still wanted to make it simple and focused on the singer. We projected blue jellyfishes all around the room to capture the hypnotising movement they have when flowing in the water.

Capture d’écran 2020-02-24 à 16.27.32.png

Here are some behind the scenes pictures : 

- mars 2020 -

olivia leung